Free will astrology
Free will astrology

free will astrology

I suggest you ask for help from your higher self. What about you, Virgo? Have you looked for love in things that weren't love? Are you doing that right now? The coming weeks will be a good time to get straight with yourself about this issue. Earlier in Florence's life, as a teenager, "love was a kind of emptiness" she experienced through her eating disorder. Virgo singer-songwriter Florence Welch of the band Florence and the Machine told an interviewer why she wrote "Hunger." She said, "I looked for love in things that were not love." What were those things? According to her song, they included taking drugs and performing on stage.

free will astrology

In resonance with your astrological omens, Leo, I propose you regard ancient Greece as your spiritual home for the next five weeks. Spirited competition was an essential element of their celebration of play, as was the pursuit of fun for its own sake. All over Greece, there were games"-for athletes, dancers, musicians and other performers.

free will astrology

"The Greeks were the first people in the world to play," Hamilton exulted, "and they played on a great scale. She wrote, "To rejoice in life, to find the world beautiful and delightful to live in, was a mark of the Greek spirit which distinguished it from all that had gone before." One sign of Greece's devotion to joie de vivre was its love of play. Leo-born scholar Edith Hamilton loved to study ancient Greek civilization. Top three: eating excellent food, having fun while exercising right and getting all the deep sleep you need. Even starting with just one might be wise. Rather than trying to do too much, I suggest you take no more than three steps. The astrological omens suggest you'll find it easier than usual to commit to good new habits. Are you in that group? Whether or not you are, the coming weeks will be a favourable time to go further in establishing robust self-care. Be alert for unexpected opportunities and not-at-all-obvious breakthroughs.Ī study of people in 24 countries concluded that during the pandemic, over 80 percent of the population have taken action to improve their health.


I believe you can figure out how to share key stories and feelings that have been hard to reveal before now. If that heart-rending statement has resonance with your own personal experience, I have good news: The coming weeks will be a favourable time to transform the situation.

free will astrology

"I'll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love the most can never hear." So says the main character in Gemini author Michelle Hodkin's novel The Evolution of Mara Dyer. Jump back to the top or down to this week's homework Getting clear about that is your second assignment. But it's important to feel sad for the right reasons. PS: There's nothing wrong with feeling sad. You will have extra power to purge outdated emotions and reclaim at least some of the wild innocence that is your birthright. Author Kurt Vonnegut wrote wistfully, "I still catch myself feeling sad about things that don't matter anymore." If similar things are running wild in your head, dear Taurus, the coming weeks will be a favourable time to banish them.

Free will astrology